But they've been struggling to produce high quality movies ever since the release of How To Train Your Dragon 2 in 2014. DreamWorks Animation will never be Pixar, at least A-team Pixar, that much is obvious. It's not bad, but it's a painfully average little movie. I suppose my run of good-to-great movies ever since I came back had to end eventually. What I mean is that this just isn't what I would call a good movie. Having said all of that, I don't know what you want me to say about this movie. I think that's what I meant by stupid more than anything else. Which is not to say that I think this is a stupid movie, but it's something silly and for kids. This is what brings us together this evening.
This movie and the last Smurfs CG movie came up. I also mentioned to her that when I had Netflix back, I'd watch the stupidest thing I could think of. I said that I was saddened that this was one of the last movies I watched, but also mentioned that I would watch it for a week straight if it meant I'd have electricity back. I didn't really actually watch it, I was just using the laptop and it was playing on tv, so I left it on as background noise. I mentioned to her that one of the last movies I watched was Big Momma's House 2. I remember having a conversation with my friend, during my exodus, where I lamented the fact that, at that time, I hadn't been able to watch any movies for months.